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Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Pittsburgh

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Pittsburgh is a historic city recognized in the United States for its sports teams and culinary offerings. While it serves as a cultural and economic hub in the region, several neighborhoods in Pittsburgh are best to avoid because of safety concerns. Most of the city’s most dangerous areas are on the north side, with a few exceptions. Continue reading to learn about the twelve most concerning neighborhoods in Pittsburgh regarding crime. Let’s discuss the most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Pittsburgh!

1. Strip District: The Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Pittsburgh

The most dangerous neighborhood in Pittsburgh is the Strip District, located just outside of downtown. It has a population of 714 residents. The total crime rate in the Strip District isDangerous Neighborhoods in Pittsburgh 14,961 incidents per 100,000 people, which is 538% higher than the national average.

This area experiences a high rate of violent crime, with the murder rate significantly exceeding the Pennsylvania state average. Common types of crime in the Strip District include drug-related offenses, auto theft, and other petty crimes.

2. Crawford Roberts

Crawford Roberts is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Pittsburgh. Located in the Hill District, it has a population of 2,259. The property crime rate here is 332% higher than the national average, prompting police to constantly advise residents and visitors to stay alert.

Violent crimes, including murder, assault, and robbery, are prevalent. Property crimes occur at a high rate, with car thefts and personal thefts being prevalent. Residents are advised not to leave personal belongings unattended in their vehicles.

3. Northview Heights

Northview Heights is considered one of Pittsburgh’s most troubled neighborhoods. This public housing project, located in the northern part of the city, is notorious for its high crime rate. Despite having a relatively small population of 1,325 residents, Northview Heights’s crime rate is 267% higher than the national average.

Many residents live below the poverty line, with a median income of just $12,742. The area faces significant challenges, including a high incidence of violent crime, gang activity, drug trafficking, and elevated rates of property theft, according to police departments.

4. Troy Hill

Troy Hill is located on the north side of Pittsburgh and has a population of 1,482 residents. This neighborhood is home to La Hutte Royal, a popular art exhibit. According to law enforcement agencies, Troy Hill has a crime rate of 7,277 incidents per 100,000 residents, 258% higher than the average for Pennsylvania.

The area is primarily characterized as a working-class neighborhood, with a median household income of $58,700.

5. Spring Hill-City View

Spring Hill City View, situated near Northview Heights, has a crime rate that is 216% higher than the state average in Pennsylvania. Known for its stunning skyline views of Pittsburgh, Spring Hill is a popular location for local photographers.

Unfortunately, the area also experiences a high overall crime rate, particularly regarding property crimes. Instances of violent crime do occur, including assaults and occasional homicides.

6. Middle Hill

Middle Hill is one of the most violent neighborhoods in Pittsburgh, located west of downtown within the Hill District. With a population of 2,062, the crime rate in Middle Hill is 207% higher than the national average.

Historically, it has been a music and cultural hub for Pittsburgh. However, property crime remains a significant concern in the area. Theft, break-ins, and car theft are common, and drug trafficking frequently occurs.

7. California-Kirkbride

The California-Kirkbride neighborhood is a small community on Pittsburgh’s North Side, with just 707 residents. This historic neighborhood boasts many architecturally significant buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

However, the crime rate in California-Kirkbride is 203% higher than the Pennsylvania state average, with common crimes including assault, burglary, car theft, and drug trafficking.

8. Terrace Village

Terrace Village is one of Pittsburgh’s most dangerous neighborhoods. Located approximately two miles east of downtown and north of the Monongahela River, it is a historic area with community parks, playgrounds, hospitals, and local businesses.

The neighborhood is also close to the University of Pittsburgh and is home to Charles L. Cost Field.

However, Terrace Village has a troubling reputation because of its high crime statistics. The total crime rate in the area is 4,749 crimes per 100,000 residents, which is 164% higher than the average for the rest of Pennsylvania. Additionally, the violent crime rate here is 60% higher than in the rest of Pittsburgh. Residents and visitors face a 1 in 21 chance of becoming a victim of crime.

9. Homewood North

Homewood North is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Pittsburgh. Located on a hill in the Homewood district, this community comprises 126 townhouse-style units and several community parks, restaurants, and local businesses. Unfortunately, Homewood North is plagued by poverty and gang violence, with a majority of crimes being drug-related.

It has one of the highest rates of shootings and gun-related deaths in the city, as well as the most significant number of abandoned properties. The total crime rate is 4,624 incidents per 100,000 residents, 99% higher than the national average. This means that your chances of becoming a victim of a crime in the neighborhood are 1 in 22.

10. East Allegheny 

East Allegheny is a neighborhood on Pittsburgh’s north side with a population of 1,325. The city is known for its high crime rate, which is 3,578 incidents per 100,000 residents, 76% higher than the Pennsylvania average.

While East Allegheny may not be as dangerous as some other areas in the city, it still experiences violent crimes, including assaults, muggings, and occasional homicides. Despite its high crime rate, the neighborhood is also home to many of Pittsburgh’s oldest buildings.

11. Allentown

One of Pittsburgh’s most challenging areas is Allentown. This neighborhood, located in southern Pittsburgh near downtown, has a population of 2,342. Allentown has a history of crime issues, although there has been some reduction in recent years because of revitalization efforts in the area.

The total crime rate in Allentown is 2,670 incidents per 100,000 people, which is 31% higher than the state average. While violent crime does occur, property crime remains the primary concern in Allentown.

12. East Hills

East Hills is on the east side of Pittsburgh, with a population of 2,683. This neighborhood features a working-class area with a median home value of $67,138.

While much of the crime data in East Hills involves theft and property-related offenses, there are also incidents of violent crime, including assault, robbery, and occasional homicide.

Written By: Georges Benoliel

Georges has been working in Wall Street for the last 16 years trading derivatives with hedge funds. He has been an active real estate investor for over a decade. Georges graduated from HEC Business School in Paris and holds a master in Finance from ESADE Barcelona.

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