What is a Right of First Refusal in New York City?
What is a right of first refusal (ROFR) for condo boards in New York City? Read on, and we’ll let you know all about it. And how it can affect you if you buy a home in the city. In… Read More
Featuring real estate articles and information to help real estate buyers and sellers. The Nest features writings from Georges Benoliel and other real estate professionals. Georges is the Co-Founder of NestApple and has been working as an active real estate investor for over a decade.
What is a right of first refusal (ROFR) for condo boards in New York City? Read on, and we’ll let you know all about it. And how it can affect you if you buy a home in the city. In… Read More
Ordering a title search and purchasing title insurance is an integral part of buying a condo, a co-op, and a townhouse in New York City. These can protect you from potential problems you may be responsible for if left unresolved.… Read More
When prospective home buyers want to buy property in New York City, it’s usually a co-op or condo apartment. However, some buyers also look at townhomes for sale, just as they purchased a house in the suburbs. Buying a townhouse:… Read More
It’s time to take the plunge and begin purchasing your first home. You no longer have to listen to your parents’ nagging or feel envious of your friends who have already bought their places. After diligently saving the last few… Read More
There’s no way to look around it: New York is a state that is filled to the brim with history. This includes famous landmarks in New York City, globally famed restaurants, and homes added to the National Register of Historic… Read More
We all hear the “real estate is a perfect investment” spiel. To a point, it’s true. Real estate generally increases in price, and the truth is that it can help you build equity and avoid paying higher amounts in rent.… Read More